So, if you want to know about me then look to the right and you can find out about me or just click here.
This particular blog is an attempt by me to document my research for my own sake (kinda like a research journal thingy). It will also serve to give my relatives a look at what I am doing currently. I can also pass on a few tricks, tips, resources that I find along the way. Lastly, I like to write so this gives me another attempt at doing that and failing to write as much as I want to and need to.
About my research.
I started researching my family history back in 1999. That seems like a lot of years ago and you would think I would be a lot better at it than I am. But I'll get to that in a minute. I partnered with my sister, Kathy, and split the family up so she is researching our Dad's side (Shaw, Canter) and I am researching our Mom's side (Lucas, Pakledinaz).
I was single at the time I started this journey so I had lots of time to devote to this passion and hobby. Since then I have gotten married and now have 3 great kids. So, back about 9 years ago my time for researching got slim. However, I also got my wife hooked on this little hobby so now we both have no time for it. And along with the family came new priorities and such. So, I have a full-time job, I am pursueing a BA in Military History, and most importantly for my time I have my family.
Needless to say, family history research does not get the time in my schedule that it used to but I will make some time for it and also keep this updated as often as possible. Actually, a long time ago I read an article named something like 'genealogy in 4 hours a week'?? I will have to find that article and read it again and probably post it on this blog for all those that just don't have the time.
Thanks for reading and please leave a comment if you have a suggestion or just want to say 'hey'. And by all means, keep diggin' for that family!